Acupressure for Horses

Trainer Dani Patrick of Midnight Farms

With Equine Acupressure soft tissue is manipulated (typically called bodywork) as a cold red light laser simultaneously is used throughout the body.  The Theralaser is useful for reducing lament pain and repairing tendon/ligament injuries.  Adjustment of pressure is crucial to an enjoyable session, immediate after body function, and significant, permanent changes.  Rare earth magnets are taped on Acupressure points, specifically tailored per horse, to further support an overall change in the body system. 

  Sessions are generally 30 - 50 minutes in length.  The amount of hands on time is determined by the client or horse not the clock.  There is an addition intake and after review time.  If planning on observing a session; schedule about an hour total.


Description of Techniques used in an Equine Acupressure Session



TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) was developed over 4000 years ago as a preventive form of diagnostics designed to return life to a state of dynamic balance. According to Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, the basic premise of TCM is that “everything is made out of qi, or life force, and that we influence the movement of this qi in ourselves and in others in a myriad of ways.” Through stimulation and adjustment of qi we cause a shift in our client toward reorganization and regeneration and away from the original injury or illness.


The elements of TCM methodology are the 8 Principals, 5 Element Theory, 6 Divisions, the Flow of Qi, palpation, observation, and discussion with vet, trainer, or owner. Acupressure applies the theories of TCM and combines the manual stimulation of points to allow for a specific point combination and focus for each client. Additionally, magnets with a north and south pole are placed on specific point(s) or injury for tonification or sedation. Stimulating or working the points, meridians, or location areas is responsible for creating a change in the body system. Doing this encourages the whole horse.


The Theralaser (a “Cold Laser” with 904mm diodes and 210W peak infrared power) uses seven laser diodes to give a flashlight size beam of biostimulation. The Theralaser activates increased production of collagen at the cellular level. Simultaneously, the nerve endings are stimulated; giving a systemic, secondary effect resulting in the horse’s accelerated healing response. This healing happens in a absolutely non-invasive manner. The release of endorphins also appeases any latent pain. A Theralaser session greatly enhances healing time, diminish swelling, and relieves associated injury pain. These treatments are useful for the horse with an injury such as a pulled muscle, ligament/tendon, leg impact injury, bone injury, laminitis/foundering, abscessing, or otherwise unable to diagnose. For more information please see

Sports Therapy Massage

A Sports Therapy technique cultivated and mastered by Jack Meagher “that considers anything less than maximum efficiency to be a problem.” Any excess degree of muscle tightening, any spasm, adhesion, etc., which interferes with the free flow of oxygen into tissue and the flow of toxins out of the tissues, must have its effect upon total performance. Sports massage works to eliminate the developed restrictions. Deep pressure techniques are used on exact points called stress points that are first to break down during strenuous activity and are the last to recover.